Data Privacy & Cyber Security Resources - Providing students, parents, and our community with the resources and information needed to protect student privacy.
Leadership Directory - Contact information for SCPS leadership team members.
Resources - Links to help you and your family support your child's education and learning growth.
Title I Parent & Family Engagement - Encouraging family engagement in school educational planning and operations.
Policies - Policies and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for SCPS.
District Reports - View the Annual Report to the Community, District Report Card, School Grades, and more.
Bullying Prevention - Information and resources to assist, parents, students, and staff to recognize and prevent bullying.
Requests - Information regarding optional access to print materials for students and student records requests.
Links - External websites to keep you informed and engaged in your child's education.
Red Apple Dining - Learn about meals served at campus restaurants, view meal menus, apply for meal benefits, and add funds to MySchoolBucks accounts.
Testing - Student and school academic information, including state and federally mandated student assessment information.
Health Services - Provides health care services through the use of Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Clinic Assistants.